
Welcome to No Animal Left Behind

Hi everyone and welcome to this site. Please join me and the hundreds of others who have come together over the past 37 days in a cooperative effort to help rescue and reunite thousands of Katrina evacuees and their pets. The task is daunting and exhausting but the most exciting and rewarding experience I’ve ever had. In these 37 days I’ve cried many tears of sorrow and some tears of joy; I’ve made great friends, I’ve met some of the coolest people from all over the country, Canada and even Germany. Over the next few weeks and months please check back often for photos of lost and found animals, ways to get involved in your local community or within this virtual community and much more.

Please read the following statement to extend the deadline for adoptions of the animal victims of Katrina. If you agree with this, please add your name to the list by sending an email to noanimalleftbehind@gmail.com and include your full name, city, state and affiliation (if any).

No Animal Left Behind is a coalition of individuals, shelters and rescue groups that believes that the animal victims of Katrina not be adopted until January 1, 2006. We believe that there are enough people willing to provide long-term foster homes to these animals in order to give the owners sufficient time to locate them. Many of these pet owners are still without reliable and consistent internet access and/or phone service. Further, many of the animals who are labeled as “hard-to-place” are those most likely to belong to someone. Pets that are older and/or have chronic health problems have someone out there who has loved and cared for them for a very long time. We are concerned about getting all pets back home and need more time, especially with those most likely to be disposed of by overcrowded shelters. Finally, we request that everyone who fosters one of these animals agrees to actively try to locate its owners. We are here to help.


Anonymous said...

If you want to go to Louisiana to help, but don't have the money, grant can pay for all/part of your trip!

Get a grant to go to Louisiana to do animal rescue, or volunteer/donate to help others go now! +PLEASE pass on to others who might be interested!

After our trip to Louisiana for animal rescue I know how badly volunteers are needed. It's important for the people (no one wants to come home to their emaciated dead animal, and to be able to come home at all we must make the streets safe) as well as the animals in need:

We've started a grant program to cover rental car/gas and or airfare and vaccinations, supplies, etc. for people wanting to go to Louisiana or Mississippi to help with animal rescue but truly not having the funds (students, non-profit employees, self-employed, under/unemployed, retired, etc.)


If interested e-mail mhollandnyc@yahoo.com or call Moria at 646-285-6282

LOUISIANA VOLUNTEERS: must have interest in animal welfare (animal centered experience, volunteer work or degree. volunteer work can be as simple as volunteering at a shelter or doing TNR) or non-profit/volunteer history in humanitarian work. References required. 7 days or more to give. Willingness to travel alone, work long days, do whatever is needed most, work with others in a high stress environment and from all backgrounds. Must be mature, flexible and able to handle one-self in difficult situations.

Applicants can go for 7 days up to 1 month. Grant amount will depend on length of commitment. Multiple placements available (I have connections in the shelters, with Alley Cats and with some rescue groups on the ground).

DONORS: Just need to be willing to make a donation from $1-1000.

Donors can wait until recipients are chosen and give money directly to them, to the rental car co/airline or buy supplies needed buy volunteers such as welding gloves, anti-bacterial wipes, etc. Or, general donations can be made and if there are any left over they will go to Alley Cat Allies, Mutt Shack, or Noah's Wish - all doing good work down there but needing more people.

Larger donors can have a say in which applicants are chosen.

VOLUNTEERS HERE: I need help getting the word out to potential donors/applicants, coordinating with the rescue groups, coordinating most affordable airfare, car/gas etc. I am self-employed as a campaign consultant/fundraiser and would be able to offer an INTERNSHIP to someone willing to work on this a few hours a week or more from home. This will likely run through the end of the year.

This is time sensitive, animals are dying every day. Please help in some way now if you can.

Anonymous said...

Just to alert you to a similarly named website www.nopetsleftbehind.info, which is a long range petition/website project complimenting yours attempting to meet urgent neeeds. We wish you much luck with your endeavors, and would be happy to post your link on our website.