
Around here we call them mutts

UPDATE on Remington

This very special dog found his very special angel. Here are some photos of Rem at his forever home with his new dog and human brothers and sisters (The original story about Remington was posted on October 22).



Yes, it's true.

Not a stretch of the imagination to assume that the idea of the hearing - specifically the idea of having to face Rocket's true owner in court, along with God-only knows how many reunion volunteers*, newspaper reporters, TV cameras and assorted Rocket-supporters from the area - Lynne Welsh decided - after stalling for five months - to return Rocket today.

He is back HOME in New Orleans now.

Many more details (specifically the chronology of this nasty, pathetic and manipulative saga) will soon be posted.

* at least 11 of us were planning to be at the hearing tomorrow which has been cancelled.